Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Prospect Heights Rental Inspection Increase

The Village of Prospect Heights is considering an ordinance that would increase the inspection fees for rental properties. The fees which are currently $40 for initial inspections, would increase to $100 for a first inspection by January. The council is set to vote on the ordinance at the next city council meeting. Please contact me if you want additional information on this proposal.

1 comment:

Mel Metts said...


Are you familiar with the Waukegan ordinance 07-O-83 effective 9/1/07?

The ordinance requires home sellers to apply for zoning letter/certificate (whichever is applicable) within 72 hours of listing the property for sale. Application fees went from $25 to $100 for zoning letter, and from $75 to $150 for zoning certificate.
As before, owner must provide copy of survey with application. The city will furnish zoning letter/certificate and an 11" x 17" poster that must be placed in a window facing the street.
"No property shall be offered for sale without the owner or agent first obtaining the documentation from the City of Waukegan within seventy-two (72) hours of offering the property for sale..."
What - if anything - is RANWC doing about this?

Members meet with Senator Murphy after Legislative Breakfast